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Open To Close Double Stroke Roll

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4 thoughts on “Open To Close Double Stroke Roll”

  1. Hi Mr. Allen, I’d like to make a question about the double stroke roll. After the first hit, do you pull the stick with the fingers to create the second stroke (like making use of the push-pull techique) or do you basically perform two wrist strokes (2 full strokes)? Thanks! Cheers from Barcelona, Spain.

    1. Thank you for your question. At very slow tempos I’m doing 2 wrist strokes. When I close the roll (when it’s fast) I’m still
      using my wrists but the fingers are definitely more involved, I think especially with the second stroke. I’m still just trying to get 2 bounces out of the stick. But I found after I developed my fingers my rolls were much cleaner and controlled. I’ve never practiced the push pull technique per se. But I think it’s basically what I’m actually doing. I don’t think practicing that way could hurt. It might help your double stroke rolls. The one thing I’m pretty adamant about avoiding is trying to accent the second stroke. That’s not a bad exercise at slower speeds but as you get faster that can really get in the way in my experience.

  2. OK! Thanks for the answer! I’m loving all this content. I’m practicing the military exercise you taught about using only fingers to strengthen them and it really makes a difference. I had good doubles but with all this I’m learning, they are really improving. Also, the key is to go step by step, training every day and if needed, extending the workload in more than 1 week. In fact, I’m still practicing FS and I’m covering the 4th week now, but playing 5 min of FS every day at different dynamics really helps to make it all sound clean and smooth. Thanks!

    1. I’m glad you’re finding the lessons and the course effective! Hearing about your progress motivates and inspires me to continue creating content. By the way, I have a bonus I’m going to send you personally soon. So watch your email. No charge. Free. Just for you. 😀

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